Help > Tasks > Integrations > CRM > How to Configure Salesforce Integration in Fluix

How to Configure Salesforce Integration in Fluix

Fluix is a web and mobile-based cloud platform that helps teams set up digital document management and workflow automation. In this integration, Fluix serves as an electronic data capture system.

Salesforce – is a cloud-based software system that provides CRM (Сustomer relationship management) service which gives you the ability to track and analyze customer data including contact and account information.

What Fluix + Salesforce integration does

The integration allows for seamless synchronization of data between Fluix and Salesforce. This means that customer details and data entered into the document can be shared and updated in real-time across both systems, ensuring data consistency and accuracy. It eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.

With Fluix and Salesforce integration, businesses can automate sales processes and streamline document flows. Sales representatives can access and update sales contracts, quotes, and work order forms directly from their mobile devices on the go in Fluix, and right away notify the responsible team members about the deals by automatically updating the data in the work order in Salesforce. 

Note. Integration requires a Core account in Fluix and an account in Salesforce. To try the option, you can register for a free trial account in Fluix and register the account in Salesforce.

In order to set up Salesforce integration in Fluix taskstream, please follow the instructions below.

Step 1 – Create the repetitive process in Fluix

Navigate to the Fluix admin portal, Taskstreams section, to create a new taskstream. Drag-n-drop a User task to the working area and configure it by adding fillable forms and assigning it to the team that will work on it on a regular basis. Make sure that you have added yourself to the group of users in order to test the setup later.

Step 2 – Configure Share to Integration in Fluix

Drag and drop Share to submit action to the Taskstream chart and connect it with the User task that your team will be working on.

Click on the Share to element and select Salesforce among the list of third-party tools. You will be redirected to the Salesforce authorization page where you’ll need to provide Fluix with the permissions to access it. 

Once done, select the action that you would like to be triggered upon completion of the respective process in Fluix.

Step 3  – Configure the data extraction

Let’s look into 2 real-life scenarios as examples of configuring the automation of processes between Fluix and Salesforce. 
Firstly, to integrate Salesforce with Fluix, you’ll need to know the domain name and the work order number in your Salesforce account.

In order to find the domain name, please open your Salesforce account, tap on your avatar in the upper right corner, and copy your Salesforce company name before

The Work order number is generated automatically when you create a new order in Salesforce.

Scenario 1: Updating the existing work order in Salesforce

Click on the connected Salesforce account, and select the Update work order option from the list. Fill out both My domain name and Work order number fields. Click Save in order to save the changes in the submit action. After that, the ability to add fields will become available.

Add the fields that need to be updated upon form submission in Fluix.

Ensure that the dynamic values in the newly added fields are set up so that upon submission of the form in Fluix, the entered data will be retrieved from the selected fields and populated accordingly in the work order within the Salesforce account.

Once the Fluix user submits the form in Fluix, the data will be pulled out of the form in Fluix to the work order in Salesforce.

Scenario 2: Uploading the documents from Fluix in the specific work order.

Click on the connected Salesforce account, and select the Upload documents to work order option from the list.

Fill out My domain name and Work order number fields. In the Comment section, configure the text that will be added along with the finished form in Fluix. 

We suggest using the dynamic values to configure the Comment.

Upon form submission in Fluix, it will be automatically attached to the pre-configured work order in Salesforce.

Step 4 – Save and test the setup

Once you fill out all the fields, click Save&Publish to activate the Taskstream. Open the user app on the mobile device, or click User App in the right corner of the admin portal. Navigate to the task that you created, fill in the form, and finish it.

Once the task is submitted in Fluix, entered data automatically appears in the pre-configured work order in your company’s Salesforce account. 

In case you have any questions or difficulties with setup, contact our support at and we’ll be happy to help you.

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