Help > Tasks > User Guide > Notes in the Web User app 

Notes in the Web User app 

Notes allow users to easily share additional context with other Taskstream’s participants about the work done or changes needed on a form.

When you add a note and finish your task, the next person assigned to the task will be able to see all previously created notes and add their own for future participants.

Please note: You can edit and delete only those notes that you have added to the task.

When you open a task with existing notes, the number of unread notes that require your attention will be displayed in the respective column of the task viewer.

To review the notes history added by other participants, click the Notes button in the upper right corner of the opened document in the respective task. Notes are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent ones at the top.

In case you have any additional questions about the functionality, contact us at to learn more about it.

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