Employee New Hire Checklist

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  • Add multiple photos

  • Work offline

  • Use for reporting

No matter the size of an organization or the industry or location, hiring top talent should always be a goal. Top-tier candidates help a business meet and exceed its objectives, paving the way for continued success, increased market share, and more. Companies put considerable resources into attracting and finding the best people for key positions. Retention of these candidates is also crucial to a company’s short-term and long-term success. A detailed approach to hiring and onboarding new employees is a critical part of any business’s growth strategy. A hiring procedures checklist or employee new hire paperwork system helps you dot the i’s and cross the t’s for reaching and retaining top talent.

Why Is a New Hire Employee Forms System Needed?

Your company can only benefit from having a consistent, uniformly applied process for hiring new people. Having a new hire paperwork checklist benefits both the company and the new employee.

These benefits include the following:

  • Connecting the right candidate to the right position
  • Avoidance of sending mixed messages to candidates
  • Clarity in understanding organizational needs
  • Clarity in understanding the candidate’s professional goals
  • Improved job satisfaction and employee performance
  • Mutual commitment between organization and candidate
  • Savings in employee recruiting and onboarding

Imagine locating a strong candidate for a senior position that requires significant experience and specialized training. An HR manager or recruiter makes the first contact with the potential hire to set up a virtual meeting to explore the possibility. Without a hiring procedures checklist, another senior decision-maker may also contact the candidate and send a different message about what the company is looking for or the expected timeframe to fill the position. This mixed messaging may turn off a candidate. Having a new hire process puts everyone on the same page from the very beginning, including identifying the need for new staff, through to successful candidate placement.

What Are the Major Phases in a New Hire Process?

As stated above, a new hire process starts when the need for a new hire has been identified. This could be filling an existing vacant position or the creation of a new role altogether. In most organizations, the decision to seek out new hires is not made unilaterally. There has to be buy-in and approvals from many people at different levels. Think of a hiring procedures checklist as covering the following:

  • Onboarding a new hire: This step is just as important as the previous ones. The way a new hire is onboarded sets the tone for the relationship between the employee and the company. Your new employee hire forms should include detailed information on supplies and equipment to be procured, HR orientation processes, job-specific training requirements, and other details related to the new employee’s first days.
  • Identifying the need for a new hire: There must be a consensus that a new hire is needed to fill an existing position or a new role altogether.
  • Creating a job requisition: As part of a collaborative effort, a requisition or job posting needs to be created that lists the name of the position, location, general and specific job duties, job requirements, experience and education, and other important details. Your company should also determine for internal purposes the salary range for this position, which may or may not be advertised. Labor laws may also require specific language as it relates to a particular jurisdiction, location, or job function. The requisition should also include opening and closing dates.
  • Advertising the position: Your organization needs to determine the best way to advertise the position. Are you using talent recruiters or headhunters? Should the requisition be added to job sites on the Internet like LinkedIn, Monster, or Indeed? Is this a confidential or high-level position that requires selective sourcing of candidates using independent consultants who specialize in locating highly qualified individuals? A new hire paperwork checklist should account for this.
  • Reviewing the application and identifying the best candidates: A checklist needs to document which applicants appear to be the best fit based on qualifications. This part of the process often requires approvals from multiple persons. Background checks and reference outreach can be initiated here.
  • Interviewing applicants: Deciding who to interview, who should conduct the interview, and when are important parts of the step. Your company should also determine which interviews can be done by phone, virtually, or face-to-face.
  • Choosing the best candidate and offering a position: Selecting the best candidate and the appropriate number of backup hires, if applicable, should be accounted for here. New hire paperwork also needs to note when the offer was made, if the offer was approved or rejected, and an agreed-upon start date.

What’s the Best Way To Deploy a New Hire Process?

Even the smallest companies have personnel that may be located remotely. A new hire paperwork system should take advantage of the Internet and cloud-based networking to minimize delays due to distance. Real-time approvals help expedite the process, and a system that can be managed and accessed anywhere and anytime is good for everyone involved. Imagine a customized hiring procedures checklist that is dynamic, flexible, accessible, and establishes a uniform approach to identifying, recruiting, and hiring top talent.

The good thing is that you don’t need sophisticated operating systems, coding, or special equipment to make this a reality. Fluix brings you a platform that is easy to use and fully customizable to your operational needs. Create, define, document, and distribute your new hire processes from start to finish in a cloud-based solution that works on any computer, smartphone, or tablet. Don’t just dream it; experience it today with a free, no-obligation 14-day trial.

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