Hot Work Permit Template

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Occupational safety regulations require permits for hot work, which includes brazing, cutting, soldering and welding as well as any other tasks that generate sparks or involve extreme heat or fire. Employers can customize hot work permit templates to cover fire safety considerations for any task. Get answers to questions such as “What does a hot work permit allow you to do?” and find out what information to provide on permits for hot work.

What Is a Hot Work Permit?

A permit for hot work should specify the nature of the task and where work will be done. Hot work permits should also include the names of employees and supervisors responsible for hot work and indicate any precautions to prevent fires. Only authorized parties who are trained in equipment use and fire safety should prepare hot work permits.

In addition to permits, checklists can guide fire safety inspection measures before and after hot work. Permits or checklists can prompt designated individuals to confirm the functionality of tools and the availability and readiness of fire suppression equipment.

Hot work permits are location-specific. The nature of a hot work task determines the degree of risk posed to combustible or flammable materials in the vicinity. Checklists or permits often call for inspections within a 35-foot or 10-meter radial sphere or a larger 50-foot or 15-meter area.

What Should a Hot Work Permit Template Include?

A hot work permit should first identify the individuals who will perform or supervise this work. The next steps involve describing the nature of the work and blocking out a suitable window of time for completion and fire watch. Hot work permits should also account for risks. Look for the following fields on templates for hot work permits:

  • Employee and Supervisor Names: Specify who will perform and oversee hot work.
  • Type of Hot Work: Indicate whether hot work involves cutting, welding, or other tasks.
  • Work Area Risk Assessment: Assess hazards in a specified location.
  • Fire Safety Precautions: Confirm the presence of fire suppression equipment.
  • Start Date and Time: State a time for hot work to start.
  • Stop Date and Time: Include a stop time for hot work and fire watch.

Authorized personnel should submit permits at least 24 hours in advance of hot work. A permit can remain active until the specified task is complete or the end of a fire watch period that extends for a set time after finishing hot work.

Why Should An Enterprise Use a Digital Work Permit System?

Digital hot work permits are easier to create, modify, and access than paper permits. Stakeholders can modify a digital template to generate a hot work permit for any type of activity or work environment. The Fluix safety management software makes digital permits easy to fill out and submit.

Enterprises can also use Fluix to set up forms and permits to comply with requirements set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and National Fire Protection Agency in the United States, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations in the United Kingdom or other relevant occupational regulations.

What Are the Advantages of a Digital Hot Work Certificate?

Digital certifications to perform hot work can be easier to attach to a hot work permit or back up in a digital system. It is also possible to scan physical certificates into permitting systems. Fluix offers a wide range of digitization solutions to promote accountability for workplace safety and regulatory compliance.

Hot work permits should be available to authorized users on supported devices, such as Apple or Android smartphones or tablets. Digital safety documents are less likely to become damaged or lost during preparations for hot work. An advanced data management system ensures that filed certificates and permits are readily available for review during safety audits or inspections.

The Fluix workflow management system has features to ensure that certifications are current and permits are complete. Use notifications to prompt professionals to upload certifications for hot work and remind relevant parties to finalize hot work permits.

What Do Hot Work Permit Inspections Involve?

Inspections that precede hot work focus on reducing the risk of a workplace fire. According to a 2021 NFPA report on structure fires resulting from hot work, fire departments in the United States responded to an average of 4,580 structure fires involving hot work every year between 2014 and 2018. Thorough inspections that account for all of the following factors can prevent or reduce the severity of hot work-related fires:

  • Identify Nearby Fire Hazards: Point out and relocate flammable or combustible materials.
  • Inspect the Hot Work Location: Factor construction materials into fire risk assessments.
  • Check Fire Safety Equipment: Alarms may be temporarily deactivated, but fire suppression systems should still function.
  • Specify Additional Permit Requirements: A permit should account for the full scope of hot work.
  • Test Hot Work Equipment: Make sure torches or other equipment operate normally.
  • Indicate the Permit Duration: Provide a clear start and end time for hot work.

According to the NFPA, the majority of fires in which hot work is a factor occurred in non-home properties. Nearly half of these fires involved welding torches, while cutting torches accounted for one-quarter of non-home fires. Inspecting the working environment, taking measures to reduce fire hazards and ensuring that equipment is properly functioning and used by trained professionals can reduce the likelihood that hot work will cause a fire or result in heat, flame, smoke or spark-related damage.

How Does Digitizing Hot Work Permits Promote Compliance?

A workflow platform that manages notifications and supports secure distribution of forms and documents can make hot work permits readily available to supervisors and employees involved in these operations. The approval process mechanisms in Fluix can also help to ensure that permits are submitted at least 24 hours in advance of hot work.

A digital workflow system enables relevant supervisors and safety compliance personnel to access hot work permits throughout the permitting process. Notifications and communication features facilitate the finalization of permits by the close of hot work time windows.

The document organization and storage functionality of Fluix can enable enterprises to access a history of all hot work permits. Stakeholders can organize permits by department or based on the type of task to facilitate recall during internal or external safety audits.

What Is the Best Workflow Solution for Hot Work Permits?

Fluix is a workflow automation platform that facilitates the filing of hot work permits and other forms. Robust approval management features can simplify the planning process for hot work and promote fire safety. Learn more about using Fluix to ensure that hot work permits are complete and available as proof of compliance with occupational safety regulations.

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