Punch List

How you can use this digital template:

  • Capture data with the app

  • Add multiple photos

  • Work offline

  • Use for reporting

The basic punch list process is typically as follows. A punch list is created by the general contractor or project owner. By the end of the project closure, it’s assigned to the project supervisor or architect who checks whether the work is completed and fills in the document, adding fixes to be done, if needed.

What Is a Punch List

A punch list (snag list, punch out list) is a document or set of documents used during the project closing stage. It lists any remaining work that still needs to be completed or has been completed incorrectly and needs further improvement. Its main purpose is to outline construction defects (wrong materials, damaged structures, faulty assembly, incorrect exterior, etc.) and specify what contractual requirements haven’t been met.

The filled punch list is then sent to the contractor and project owner. If any issues, they need to be addressed and fixed by the contractor. Only after the punch list is approved and signed by both sides, the customer makes the payment and the project can be considered officially closed.

Main tasks of a punch list

  • Define, describe and visualize with photos defects that need to be repaired;
  • After fixing is done, show the photos of the fixed objects.
  • Collect signatures and finalize the inspection stage.

What to include in a punch list

The number and type of the punch list fields depend on the particular project. However, there are certain required fields typical of all forms:

Inspector/contractor initials and signature.

  • Project name;
  • Document ID;
  • Version number and date;
  • Project description;
  • Defect details and photo;
  • Detection date;
  • Due date of defect fixing;
  • Inspection completion date;
  • Responsible;

Why to Use a Digitized Punch List

Depending on the project, a punch list template may consist of hundreds of pages and require involvement of multiple users at different stages. These users might be miles away from each other, and each will need to have the printed copy of the latest version. On the site, the punch list is often filled under windy weather. The inspector doing the quality control may be wearing PPE gloves which complicates the filling.

All this makes work with paper-based forms inconvenient and low-efficient. Digital punch lists are a more productive alternative to increasing construction efficiency:

  • All forms are in the digital format. You don’t need to manually process each punch list: scan, edit, print, upload to storages, send to multiple email addresses.
  • Inspection costs (printing, site commute) are reduced. The risk of human error, mismanagement or document loss is reduced.
  • Communication between multiple teams is timely and resultative.
  • The project owner knows what contractor is responsible for a particular defect.
  • Defect description can be attached with jobsite photos, specifying the flaw and the fix to be done.
  • Remedial work is done without delays.
  • A zero punch list is achieved faster, saving the project budget.

How to Manage Punch Lists in Fluix

Fluix construction management software offers a wide functionality for managing digital punch lists.

  • Keep a punch list template in your own template library. It will be duplicated after the user takes it for further work and the original will remain unchanged.
  • Add punch lists to automated construction workflows, submit them to multiple users and specify the required action.
  • Fill on desktop and iPad in online/offline mode.
  • Add photos of defects with geolocation and time stamps.
  • Collect e-signatures remotely.
  • Use File naming convention. All completed files will be named after the fields you select. It reduces manual file naming and simplifies search within the system.
  • Upload completed lists to the specified platform (company drive, CRM, ERP, Google Drive, etc.) or save in the app cloud storage.
  • Export AEC data captured with forms, including photo, in a spreadsheet format.

Usage of digital punch lists contributes to faster completion of projects and digital transformation of your company. To get started, download and customize the Fluix punch list template and add them to the corresponding workflows. In case you have any questions or difficulties with editing, contact our support at support@fluix.io and we’ll be happy to help you.

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